Toddler Daily Schedule

We understand that young children gain a sense of security and confidence from routine.

2 toddlers playing with toy trucks

Therefore, our daily schedule is set to optimize the child’s need for predictability. Within our schedule, there is enough time and space to "follow the child" as their personal schedule dictates.

Our Toddler staff is trained to meet the needs of the individual while understanding the importance of routine.

Daily Schedule

8:45 - 9:00

The children arrive, say goodbye to their parents at the door, and greet their teachers and friends.

8:45 - 10:30

Child-directed work cycle designed to help the child become familiar with surroundings and a deeper awareness of self. Children are free to choose activities from the prepared environment. This includes the outdoor classroom that is made available to the children year round. Children also have access to a snack that they serve and clean-up themselves.

10:15 - 10:25

Group Lesson - Music Together is the Wednesday group lesson.

10:30 - 11:00

Outside time provides the children with an opportunity to exercise with various types of age-appropriate play equipment. as well as take nature walks and care for the outside environment.

11:10 - 11:30

Work cycle


Morning Program Dismissal


Story time and Songs